Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Roya Toolkit

To me there is no doubt in my mind that Sustainable Harvest is one of the leading companies in terms of transparency in the supply chain of coffee. They are also a company that thrives on innovation.

Without waiting for governments, donors, exporters, or other coffee traders to agree on what to do about the situation with roya, they have worked fast and clever to produce a toolkit, to deal with the issue. Its a DVD/ Video that can be used by agronomists, and technical field staff in Spanish speaking countries, who want to deal with the disease.

Check it out, they have even developed a whole website just to deal with the issue.

Keep it up SH!!

Youth, Coffee Farmers and Agriculture

In most of the coffee producing countries I have visited, the average age of the coffee farmer is an issue of concern and interest. On my trips to Colombia, Peru, Honduras, and others, coffee leaders, buyers, cooperatives, all express a similar reaction. Our farmers are growing older, and the young are moving to the cities.

An interesting angle to the issue surfaced today in my discussions with a friend who works in agriculture development in Honduras. Horticulture farmers tend to be younger, while coffee farmers much older. At least in Honduras.

An interesting discussion will be online on June 11, sponsored by USAID's Agrilink Program.

Join the discussion!